#SayItNow: Brad Klibansky
Parental sacrifice is not a novel concept, but it is for the scale of sacrifice made by my parents that I am so grateful.
Over a quarter of a century ago, my parents forewent the lives they had made for themselves in South Africa. They were esteemed members of a close-knit community and enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle. Yet, the political climate was rapidly deteriorating and that, along with the increasingly high crime rates, were the contributing factors that ultimately led to my parents’ decision to emigrate to Australia. They had no money, no jobs and very little family to support them. I was four years old at the time, and I remember being told about pet kangaroos and koalas and a game called Aussie Rules Football.

I am also lucky enough to have married an amazing Australian girl, and together we have two beautiful children. Family means everything to me, and I have my own incredible family, and am able to provide for them, because of the sacrifice my parents made all those years ago.
So for #SayItNow week, I want to thank you Mum and Dad for your courage and sacrifice, and providing me and my brother such opportunity for a great and happy life.